Tuesday, 10 July 2018

OMAD Intermittent fasting DAY 347! Carnivore Diet Diary Day 2!

Hi friends: It's day 347 of omad! I am so close to my one year anniversary of omad! I certainly have come a long way. I use to eat from the time I woke up to till the time that I went to sleep. My daughter was my partner in crime but she 5'7 and weighs 120 pounds. She can eat whatever she wants and is still slim. When I was in my 20's I didn't have any issue with weight. However, as I hit my 40's my weight started to creep up and I tried everything to lose but nothing worked for me. Some things worked but then I would put the weight back on. I gave up until I found intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is my staple and I use other supplements such as apple cider vinegar and black seed oil daily. I went from 167 to currently 135 as my weight does fluctuate. My lowest has been 127 pounds on this journey. What got me to 127 was the carnivore diet. The carnivore diet also alleviated my digestive issues and my acne. For months now I have been rejected what my body needs. This carnivore diet seems to really benefit me. 

This is day 2 of the carnivore diet. I am back on the train. My belly bloat is gone today and I'm really happy about that. Another hot day but I still went for my walk before work. It wasn't for as long as I wanted but I still got out there and moved my body. That is what is most important. It's really important to be active. Just do what you love. I am not a fan of heavy exercise. So I just walk. I love to walk. I'm now listening to Perez Hilton's podcasts as I walk. I love my celebrity gossip.

My protocol: During the day I drank water with apple cider vinegar added. I added 1 tablespoon per 2 cups. I took my black seed oil about 15 minutes before I ate my meal.

Dinner: T-bone steak, scrambled eggs, salt/pepper wings and a 750ml bottle of Pellegrino.

Fast time: 20 hours

Feasting: 4 hours

Mood: I'm feeling good. We met with the air conditioner salesperson today. We waited for one week to actually get an appointment. Our air conditioner will be replaced in 2 weeks. We intended to buy before speaking to the salesman from Enercare. Instead, we agreed to rent a furnace instead of buying. I think we will melt waiting for it to arrive. 
Black Seed oil/ACV | Weight loss journey update 2018!

Black Seed oil for Weight Loss One Month Update + Omad

The truth about the CARNIVORE DIET! 30 day challenge completed!



Please note: I took one teaspoon of black seed oil and in the morning and before going to bed. I also drank two glasses of apple cider vinegar water. I added two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to ten ounces of water. 
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Thank you for your love and support.

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Hi friends: It's 365 days of omad! I did it! I ate one meal a day for one year!!! During this year I did do some extended fasting...